Ten Ways to Forget about Covid-19 for at least 10 minutes!

The first 6 months of 2020 have not exactly been barrels of fun.  It’s like “covid schmovid’, will we ever get a break?  Do you even have a vacation in your summer plans?  

Although we have a bit more flexibility here in PA than we did in April and May, I do tire of everything covid -19.  Come with me on a mini trip, as I find ten ways to help you forget about this whole pandemic for a little bit of every day.

1. Start your day right — I implore you to NOT pick up your phone and read the news!  This is seriously the most important thing on my list, as it means your mind is still open to other energy and joy.  

a. Play your favorite song
b. Catch a light 5 minute meditation or watch 5 minutes of positive statements and images, using Positive Prime.
c. Imagine three things to uplift your day or write down three gratitudes.

2. Breathe!  Do it the most healing and rejuvenating way, several times throughout the day.  When you breathe, think about your breathing, and voila!  Covid -19 is forgotten.

Inhale for 4 counts, deeply filling your lungs.
Hold for 5 to 7 counts.
Slowly exhale gently through your mouth, for 8 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.  


 3. Paint your plate with the colors of the rainbow.  
Celebrate your health and summer all at the same time! 
You have so many summer options — peppers, tomatoes, pineapple, zucchini, broccoli, cherries, watermelon, blueberries, strawberries, limes and lemons. 

Ooooh, homemade lemonade!

 4. Experiment with some essential oils.
Essential oils bring a splash to life, whether you want to calm down at night with some lavender or a special blend, or you want to be productive during the day and distractions are destroying your precious hours.  

What oils could carry you away for 10 minutes of freedom, where covid doesn’t exist?   
Try the following:

Cedarwood — instills focus, confidence, and self – esteem
Chamomile — fights feelings of anxiety and is also foils insomnia
Clove — cleans teeth and gums. Why not wake up your mouth ☺  
Frankincense — reduces negative thoughts.  Put this on top of list!
Grapefruit — helps re-energize your body and promote  a healthy self image  

5.  Make some sun tea.

It’s a refreshing burst of energy on a hot day.  And it’s so easy and quick to make in a jar.  Do you have mint growing outside?  (Note:  if you do, you’ll never get rid of it!).  It does flavor up a cup of icy tea, though. 

When you’re done with the mint and you still have some covid-19 forgetting to do, brew up these:

Ginger/Honey Flavor:  Add 2 tsp freshly grated ginger and ¼ cup honey while tea is still hot.  
Pomegranate Juice / Lime Flavor:  Add 2 c. pomegranate juice, 3 limes sliced thinly, and ¼ cup sugar to warm or cool tea.  
Peach / Mint Flavor:  Add several ripe peaches cut into ½ inch pieces and a small bunch of fresh spearmint to warm or cool tea.  
Basil Flavor Booster: Add 1/8 of a medium size watermelon (cut into small triangles) and 1 small bunch fresh basil sprigs to warm or cool tea.  Sweeten with sugar, if desired.

6.  Play a game.
Any game will do! 

  • Pluck an old game out of your closet, like Yatzee, that you haven’t played in years, and reminisce as you roll the dice.  
  • Play freeze tag, my favorite outside game when I was young.  Social distancing, yes, but don’t dwell on it.  Just have fun!
  • Pull out a deck of cards — solitaire?  Rummy?  Even poker with a few pennies!

7.  Read a book.  

Or a magazine.  What would you like to learn about?  
Buy a magazine on a new subject and go find your favorite chair, or hammock.  Relax!

With so many great books on happiness, why not ramble through The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor or The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin.  

8.  Take a field trip.  

  • Consider the local farm market.  It will get you out of the house, out in nature, and towards a healthy destination.  Maybe they serve ice cream (ours does), or also sell flowers, which could be a joy to bring home!  
  • Go to a nearby town and just walk around.  Is there any history you’ve missed, or something charming to catch your eye? Not much may be open, but heck, it’s an outing!

9. Create some art!  Or do some coloring!

  • Did you know we all have our creative side, and sometimes we just need to invite it out to play?  
  • Your art could be to learn how to create a mosaic.  Stay tuned on that one.  I’m going to make one and share in another blog! 
  • Or it could be to do some coloring — a friend sent me a coloring book and 100 markers.  In 10 minutes, you can easily get lost in which colors, which places, and what it will look like when you’re done.  

10. You’ve made it this far, forgetting covid-19, so let’s call this a wrap. 

It’s time for a NAP! 

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